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    Data Analysis and Graphics Using R attach_img fugangxx 2024-12-8 20 749 qchangcheng 2024-12-10 13:17:56
    An R Companion for the Third Edition of The Fundamentals of Political Science Re attachment fugangxx 2024-12-7 0 310 fugangxx 2024-12-7 07:20:40
    Data Visualization for Social and Policy Research A Step-by-Step Approach Using attachment fugangxx 2024-12-7 5 391 mencius 2024-12-9 07:06:11
    Introductory Econometrics for Finance (R Guide) 4TH EDITION attach_img fugangxx 2024-12-3 2 288 yangming98 2024-12-4 22:05:53
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    Jeffrey S. Racine - Reproducible Econometrics Using R attachment hbwt000 2023-12-29 12 7780 eric5488 2024-2-28 11:21:20
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    Investment Science,David.Luenberger,第一版,超清晰,附練習題及答案 attachment CCCCC..... 2023-10-3 5 8439 kkkkcbb 2024-9-17 00:13:54
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    Investment Science, 2nd Edition 投資科學 第二版 David G. Luenberger attachment yechunyi 2023-9-6 19 9305 冰族王子 2023-10-13 02:33:04
    【圖書資源】David M. Kreps Microeconomic Foundations II: Imperfect Competition, attachment Ariadnethread 2023-8-29 16 9067 10647007 2024-1-17 19:12:31
    Probability Theory The Logic of Science attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-27 17 8319 3880_1573703599 2023-8-30 06:54:47
    The Lebesgue Integral attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-26 3 7441 zhou_yl 2023-10-17 00:49:32
    Generalized Hypergeometric Functions attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-26 2 7266 aller-aller 2023-8-26 18:03:02
    Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour attachment 1919qqqq 2023-8-23 0 7211 1919qqqq 2023-8-23 09:42:31
    The Large Sieve and Its Applications attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-9 0 7266 wxwpxh 2023-8-9 04:29:20
    Rigid Cohomology attachment wxwpxh 2023-8-6 0 7241 wxwpxh 2023-8-6 07:57:14
    Approximation by Algebraic Numbers attachment wxwpxh 2023-7-10 4 7591 yiyijiayuan 2023-7-12 18:18:38
    Convex Optimization by Stephen Boyd attachment 11223344886 2023-7-2 15 7824 junyun0315 2024-4-1 09:16:10
    Permutation Group Algorithms-Ákos Seress attachment wxwpxh 2023-6-30 8 7812 zhou_yl 2023-10-17 00:48:58
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    Introduction to Hp Spaces attachment wxwpxh 2023-6-3 6 7429 三重蟲 2023-6-8 20:52:08
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    冰族王子 2024-5-22:

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