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    全局置頂 本周末丨數(shù)智賦能教學改革: 全國AI教育教學應用實訓營 attach_img - [回帖獎勵 30 ]  ...234

    31 2398 資料狂人2024-12-17 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:renzhiheng6 小時前

    全局置頂 上海!陳強老師寒假機器學習及Python應用 attachment - [回帖獎勵 93 ]  ...2345

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    全局置頂 北大文之易親授|AI輔助論文寫作與數(shù)據(jù)分析必修課!【北京站|上海站】 attachment digest女生貼 - [回帖獎勵 240 ]  ...23456..9

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    全局置頂 增加論壇幣和通用積分的方法 論壇制度一覽表 已閱圖標 attach_img  ...23456..4516

    45150 61377573 admin2008-12-18 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:Zhu_Wency2024-12-19

    全局置頂 文房思寶推廣員渠道火爆開啟中,贈人玫瑰,手有余香! 已閱圖標 attach_img

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    全局置頂 文房思寶AI伴讀:如何兩步掌握長文精華? attach_img

    3 2103 ceshi7772024-12-13 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:renzhiheng2024-12-13

    分類置頂 【Stata公開課】6小時從零基礎入門Stata attach_img - [回帖獎勵 130 ]  ...23456

    50 3827 資料狂人2024-10-29 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:sniper0032024-12-17

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    80 14064 Nicolle2016-3-23 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:綠意盎然2022-4-12

    請問ucinet中QAP方法對數(shù)據(jù)有什么要求?  ...2

    11 9955 日辰日晗2016-3-18 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:D-ETERNAL2024-12-20

    【2015新書】Teach Your Kids to Code: A Parent-Friendly Guide to Python Programmi attach_img agree  ...2345

    46 6194 kychan2015-8-13 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:cqzhoumian2024-12-20

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    Introduction to WinBUGS for Ecologists attachment

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    27 6539 cmwei3332017-1-9 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:ohyeahe2024-11-6

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    4 2577 wiillzz2019-4-9 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:tianwk2024-9-21

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    3 2519 中國11112021-8-15 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:homoy2024-9-1

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    【獨家發(fā)布】【2016新書】Foundations for Analytics with Python: From Non-Programmer to Hack attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8

    75 12181 牛尾巴2016-8-25 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:benkyoinu2024-8-14

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    1 746 nsjwzx20222024-8-9 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:babylaugh2024-8-9

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    WinBUGS14軟件運行錯誤:this chains contains uninitialized variables

    1 1152 CDA1225442024-5-5 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:趙安豆2024-7-14

    WinBUGS報錯:expected left pointing arrow <- or twiddles

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    【獨家發(fā)布】Foundations and Applications of Statistics(using R) agree  ...2

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    【獨家發(fā)布】【2017新書】Data mining for business analytics attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10

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    An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 3rd Edition(SAS, Stata, R)  ...2

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    [GITHUB]Modern Data Science with R attachment

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    應用回歸分析 何曉群 第五版 attachment

    0 928 3724_15936807392024-3-26 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:3724_15936807392024-3-26

    Introduction to Python for Econometrics, Statistics and Data Analysis attachment

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    The Art of Strategy_ A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life attach_img

    4 4575 feiniao05132016-2-3 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:eeabcde2024-2-20

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    懸賞 Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis for Statistics - [已解決] attachment  ...2345

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    【獨家發(fā)布】【2016新書】Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus attachment agree  ...23456

    51 11874 牛尾巴2016-8-5 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:jayhsieh2024-2-17

    Practical Vim attachment

    4 1266 Nicolle2015-10-21 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:tianwk2024-2-4

    R語言MSBVAR包下載辦法 attachment agree

    6 3558 阿卡蕾2021-12-25 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:guyuwang62024-1-21

    R語言時間序列分解 X-13ARIMA-SEATS相關函數(shù)問題解決 attachment

    2 1326 阿卡蕾2024-1-5 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:阿卡蕾2024-1-18

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    Practical Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain attachment agree

    1 1378 sky0212022-4-6 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:lili20162024-1-1

    [3-IN-1書籍]【2003-2015】Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective 1-3 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11

    101 19360 kychan2015-10-22 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:fireflyming2023-12-29


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    Machine Learning Refined: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications, 2nd Edition  ...2

    13 3474 Nicolle2020-6-19 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:kavakava2023-12-20

    懸賞 Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python - [懸賞 1 個論壇幣]

    3 951 Nicolle2021-12-18 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:丁香西西2023-12-18

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    1 1241 8964_15926192652023-1-13 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:阿童木木st2023-12-17

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    4 2451 qwer45892021-1-25 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:liuxy1712023-12-8

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    0 1094 彭彭彭xxx2023-12-8 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:彭彭彭xxx2023-12-8

    懸賞 Advanced Econometrics. STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELS - [懸賞 1 個論壇幣]

    3 1130 Nicolle2016-12-5 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:dengyfman2023-12-6

    【獨家發(fā)布】【2016新書】Understanding Compression: Data Compression for Modern Developers attachment agree  ...2

    11 4013 牛尾巴2016-7-25 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:lichenghua2023-12-5

    懸賞 Practical Machine Learning for Computer Vision: End-to-End Machine Learning for - [懸賞 1 個論壇幣]

    5 670 Nicolle2021-9-2 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:masterxyq2023-12-2

    Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers attachment

    9 783 Nicolle2018-4-8 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:whiteice2023-11-30

    【獨家發(fā)布】Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using C++  ...2

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    【獨家發(fā)布】Biopython Tutorial and Cookbook attachment  ...2

    12 883 Nicolle2019-3-16 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:shihuachen2023-11-23

    懸賞 Julia Quick Syntax Reference - [已解決] attachment  ...2

    19 1433 Nicolle2020-1-5 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:shihuachen2023-11-15

    The 15 Best Books for Machine Learning in Python attachment

    8 1212 Nicolle2022-1-22 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:peterlovejin2023-11-5

    Learning SQL, 2nd Edition attachment

    8 1243 Nicolle2015-2-17 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:peterlovejin2023-11-5

    懸賞 Ace The Data Science Interview - [懸賞 1 個論壇幣]

    10 2275 Nicolle2022-2-13 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:shortsale2023-11-4

    Using Multivariate Statistics 7th Edition agree  ...234

    39 2946 Nicolle2020-10-13 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:xswyxz2023-11-3

    懸賞 The Julia Language Handbook Paperback – Feb 2 2019 - [懸賞 1 個論壇幣]

    5 1303 Nicolle2019-9-15 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:shihuachen2023-10-31

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    0 903 晴天娃娃05342023-10-30 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:晴天娃娃05342023-10-30

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    1 1128 187651208822023-10-24 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:sun_man2023-10-26

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    Developing RESTful Services with JAX-RS 2.0, WebSockets, and JSON 女生貼

    1 1515 Lisrelchen2015-8-13 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:wahahapinggu4562023-10-2

    【獨家發(fā)布】【2016新書】Applied Matrix and Tensor Variate Data Analysis attachment  ...2

    16 4221 牛尾巴2016-7-28 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:tbb1112023-9-21

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    190 29718 牛尾巴2016-6-11 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:Ryan8402023-9-12

    懸賞 Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology - [懸賞 1 個論壇幣] 女生貼

    3 2369 ReneeBK2016-5-22 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:renlicai62023-8-31

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    【kindle】The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s attachment agree  ...2

    13 3183 牛尾巴2016-6-20 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:ronlai2023-8-27

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    【獨家發(fā)布】【2016新書】Mastering Feature Engineering Principles and Techniques for Data attachment agree  ...23

    27 7675 牛尾巴2016-7-15 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:alexchangtw2023-8-7

    Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing 3rd 版主推薦 attach_img  ...2

    16 5462 Nicolle2015-6-28 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:ly5175882023-8-6

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    Advanced Problem Solving with Maple: A First Course  ...23

    22 2148 Nicolle2019-9-28 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:zhanglang832023-7-27

    Power in Numbers The Rebel Women of Mathematics attachment

    5 793 Nicolle2018-5-24 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:lnulxg2023-7-25

    [疑難雜癥]WinBUGS遇trap attach_img

    5 4598 ydd123452014-4-12 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:Wenver2023-7-16

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    1 1300 果果吶2021-9-14 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:Wenver2023-7-16

    Deep Learning with Python 2nd Edition attachment  ...23

    21 3766 Nicolle2020-12-8 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:礦大小昕2023-7-16

    懸賞 Deep Learning with PyTorch 1.x - Second Edition - [已解決] attachment  ...2

    12 1790 Nicolle2021-5-23 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:醉沫離殤2023-7-13

    Seismic Data Interpretation using Digital Image Processing attachment

    5 733 Nicolle2018-2-15 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:guorui1984282023-7-1

    【獨家發(fā)布】TensorFlow 2.0 Quick Start Guide attachment

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    【Python】Natural Language Processing with Python and spaCy attachment

    5 7687 Nicolle2020-7-3 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:shortsale2023-6-18

    The Julia Manual

    2 983 Nicolle2015-8-26 發(fā)表 | 最后回復:shihuachen2023-6-16


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