the final mle estimates are :
coefficient standard-error t-ratio
beta 0 -0.20734757E+01 0.16027835E+00 -0.12936717E+02
beta 1 0.93275282E+00 0.15559295E-01 0.59948271E+02
beta 2 0.18729493E+00 0.26996272E-01 0.69378072E+01
sigma-squared 0.46659503E-01 0.12917702E-01 0.36120591E+01
gamma 0.82186069E+00 0.52840561E-01 0.15553595E+02
mu is restricted to be zero
eta is restricted to be zero
log likelihood function = 0.32602982E+03
LR test of the one-sided error = 0.16702294E+03
with number of restrictions = 1
[note that this statistic has a mixed chi-square distribution]