93. This question will ask you to provide a line of missing code.
Given the following data set WORK.SALES:
SalesID SalesJan FebSales MarchAmt
------- -------- -------- --------
W6790 50 400 350
W7693 25 100 125
W1387 . 300 250
The following SAS program is submitted:
data WORK.QTR1;
array month{3} SalesJan FebSales MarchAmt;
<insert code here>
Which statement should be inserted to produce the following output?
SalesID SalesJan FebSales MarchAmt Qtr1
------- -------- -------- -------- ----
W6790 50 400 350 800
W7693 25 100 125 250
W1387 . 300 250 550
A.Qtr1 = sum(of month{_ALL_});
B. Qtr1 = month{1} + month{2} + month{3};
C. Qtr1 = sum(of month{*});
D.Qtr1 = sum(of month{3});
Answer: C
請問下大家,為什么用C不用D? 我選的D。