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EditedbyRonBoschmaDepartmentofEconomicGeography,UrbanandRegionalresearchcentreUtrecht(URU),UtrechtUniversity,TheNetherlandsRonMartinDepartmentofGeographyandStCatharine’sCollege,UniversityofCambridge, ...
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Edited by Ron Boschma Department of Economic Geography, Urban and Regional research centre Utrecht (UR U), Utrecht University, The Netherlands Ron Martin Department of Geography and St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, UK INTRODUCTION THE NEW PARADIGM OF EVOLUTIONARY 1 The aims and scope of evolutionary economic geography 3 Ron Boschma and Ron Martin PART 1 CONCEPTUAL CHALLENGES IN EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 2 Generalized Darwinism and evolutionary economic geography 43 Jürgen Essletzbichler and David L. Rigby 3 The place of path dependence in an evolutionary perspective on the economic landscape 62 Ron Martin and Peter Sunley 4 Complexity thinking and evolutionary economic geography 93 Ron Martin and Peter Sunley 5 The spatial evolution of innovation networks: a proximity perspective 120 Ron Boschma and Koen Frenken PART 2 FIRM DYNAMICS, INDUSTRIAL DYNAMICS AND SPATIAL CLUSTERING 6 Entrepreneurship, evolution and geography 139 Erik Stam 7 Pecuniary externalities and the localized generation of technological knowledge 162 Cristiano Antonelli 8 The relationship between multinational ~rms and innovative clusters 182 Simona Iammarino and Philip McCann 9 Emergence of regional clusters: the role of spino~ s in the early growth process 205 Michael S. Dahl, Christian R. Østergaard and Bent Dalum 10 A social- evolutionary perspective on regional clusters 221 Udo Staber 11 Evolutionary economic geography: regional systems of innovation and high-tech clusters 239 Philip Cooke and Carla de Laurentis PART 3 NETWORK EVOLUTION AND GEOGRAPHY 12 Clusters, networks and economic development: an evolutionary economics perspective 261 Elisa Giuliani 13 Reputation, trust and relational centrality in local networks: an evolutionary geography perspective 280 Stefano Denicolai, Antonella Zucchella and Gabriele Cioccarelli 14 The evolution of a strategic alliance network: exploring the case of stock photography 298 Johannes Glückler 15 Complexity, networks and knowledge ~ ow 316 Olav Sorenson, Jan W. Rivkin and Lee Fleming 16 The geography of knowledge spillovers: the role of inventors’ mobility across ~ rms and in space 353 Stefano Breschi, Camilla Lenzi, Francesco Lissoni and Andrea Vezzulli 17 Growth, development and structural change of innovator networks: the case of Jena 370 Uwe Cantner and Holger Graf PART 4 INSTITUTIONS, CO- EVOLUTION AND ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY 18 An evolutionary approach to localized learning and spatial clustering 391 Anders Malmberg and Peter Maskell 19 Path dependence and path plasticity: the co- evolution of institutions and innovation – the German customized business software industry 406 Simone Strambach 20 On the notion of co- evolution in economic geography 432 Eike W. Schamp 21 Locked in decline? On the role of regional lock- ins in old industrial areas 450 Robert Hassink PART 5 STRUCTURAL CHANGE, AGGLOMERATION EXTERNALITIES AND REGIONAL BRANCHING 22 The evolution of spatial patterns over long time- horizons: the relation with technology and economic development 471 Jan Lambooy 23 The information economy and its spatial evolution in English cities 487 James Simmie 24 An evolutionary model of ~ rms’ location with technological externalities 508 |