《A path-sampling method to partially identify causal effects in
instrumental variable models》
Florian Gunsilius
一級分類:Economics 經(jīng)濟學
二級分類:Econometrics 計量經(jīng)濟學
分類描述:Econometric Theory, Micro-Econometrics, Macro-Econometrics, Empirical Content of Economic Relations discovered via New Methods, Methodological Aspects of the Application of Statistical Inference to Economic Data.
一級分類:Mathematics 數(shù)學
二級分類:Statistics Theory 統(tǒng)計理論
分類描述:Applied, computational and theoretical statistics: e.g. statistical inference, regression, time series, multivariate analysis, data analysis, Markov chain Monte Carlo, design of experiments, case studies
一級分類:Statistics 統(tǒng)計學
二級分類:Statistics Theory 統(tǒng)計理論
分類描述:stat.TH is an alias for math.ST. Asymptotics, Bayesian Inference, Decision Theory, Estimation, Foundations, Inference, Testing.
Partial identification approaches are a flexible and robust alternative to standard point-identification approaches in general instrumental variable models. However, this flexibility comes at the cost of a ``curse of cardinality'': the number of restrictions on the identified set grows exponentially with the number of points in the support of the endogenous treatment. This article proposes a novel path-sampling approach to this challenge. It is designed for partially identifying causal effects of interest in the most complex models with continuous endogenous treatments. A stochastic process representation allows to seamlessly incorporate assumptions on individual behavior into the model. Some potential applications include dose-response estimation in randomized trials with imperfect compliance, the evaluation of social programs, welfare estimation in demand models, and continuous choice models. As a demonstration, the method provides informative nonparametric bounds on household expenditures under the assumption that expenditure is continuous. The mathematical contribution is an approach to approximately solving infinite dimensional linear programs on path spaces via sampling.